This new found hunger is like a (for lack of a better description) newborns feeding schedule or like a new couple who have just started dating and can’t seem to get enough of seeing each other. I want that feeling to remain, no matter what and especially when I am going through trials and tests. I can think of no better place to be. My latest discovery of Him is the fact that He loves me!! I am loved! Not the kind of love that is shown only when I am succeeding or when I am doing well. Not the kind that is showered on a child when they have had a good year in school, completed all chores, been honest and have rave reports from all of her/ his parents friends. No, I am speaking of the kind of AGAPE love that is there even when a decision I make is bad or I screw up. The kind of love that draws me near even when I know discipline is coming as a dog does its owner when it has had an accident or gone in the trash. The kind of love that dwells in me even when I don’t want to budge and face the day is what I hunger for.
I know full well that hunger of wanting someone to show love to you and running into the wrong arms or being disappointed by family who you have put into God’s place. I know the hunger of longing for God, His presence, to dwell in Him, to grow in Him. And only now has the question rose, “how do I satisfy this hunger?” The quest I am on now, I am praying will lead me to that answer. I will continue on this journey until I see Him face to face. This is what brings me to my transparent hunger.
In all of us, there grows a hunger for something. Some have a hunger for money, some a hunger for material things. I have even found out that some have a hunger for attention and without it they starve each time it is denied. Some have a hunger for love (been there) and seek it wherever it seems to be. Some have a hunger for success and/ or climbing the proverbial ladder, there are even some that hunger for the praise they get when something has been accomplished well in their lives (been there too). A hunger for lust/ sex, drugs, alcohol and harming are the only ones we seem to look down on in today’s society. Even the hunger for shopping is praised (especially in stores). What do you hunger after? What are the things you seek out to fill a “growling stomach” feeling in your spirit?
Hunger is defined in the dictionary as being a “compelling desire for food” or an ache in your stomach that needs filling with food. What it doesn’t tell us is that a lot of times when your stomach growls because it is empty, thirst is really what’s going on. Health nuts and water advocates like will tell you time and time again that when you KNOW you have eaten already but your stomach is hungry, drink a full glass of water. How symbolic is that statement? When we as children of God are hungry and in our fallen state, God gives us a full glass of Living Water! Then, He feeds us! Even most diets, which I am against, tell you to first drink water before eating your meal. It fills your stomach yet leaves room for the food. I gotta tell you, I have tried this and it is true!
Hunger in the biblical dictionary is defined as having an eager desire; longing. It is from the Greek word peinao and is a verb (action word). Hunger is what drives a lot of people whether they know it or not. Hunger for food wakes us up in the morning when they smell breakfast cooking. Hunger is what tells us to stop at the drive through for lunch when we are aware of the food we have at home or grabs the candy purposely placed RIGHT by the cashier when we need a snack. Notice how fruit and veggies are NOT placed there as well? Hunger, spiritually is just the same. We are either driven to seek God when we are hungry for Him or if we don’t know Him or are unaware that it is God we are hungry for, we seek other avenues which are unfulfilling and leave us hungry again.
In order to fill this spiritual hunger, you must seek God. In order to seek God you must be in His Word, in devotion with Him, in prayer and fasting and listen for His voice. I usually go upstairs to my quiet place to jump into His Word and pray. I get kind of hard when it is so hot in the summer, but I find that God provides an effective breeze to keep me there until I’m full. Just like following the right recipe, seeking God in the right way will fill you, trust me on this! You don’t put 3 eggs in when the recipe calls for 2 or even 5 do you? Your 7 up pound cake will come out horrible! It’s the same with God. Seeking Him is something I have been asking about since I surrendered in 2008. I researched on Google, asked my pastor, even searched through His Word, to no avail. It wasn’t until I followed the directions to the Feeding My Hunger recipe that Holy Spirit did a work in me.
I ask the question again, what are you hungry for? And what will you do to fill that hunger? “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” Matt 6:33