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Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Transparent Feet

How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him who brings good news, who publishes peace, who brings good news of happiness, who publishes salvation, who says to Zion, Your God reigns.” Isaiah 52:7

This past Sunday marked the end of one chapter and the beginning of a new one in this adventure we call life. I have been at Bridge Church for a little over 3 years in all. I had an invitation before to come and help out with the youth earlier that year, 2009 but did not act on that invitation. It wasn't until a thuggish looking black man who was always smiling talked to me during a SLT fair at my Bible college, Grace University. We seemed to hit it off and I immediately looked at him as a younger brother and we began this sibling relationship as I began to volunteer at this Bridge Church. I watched him grow, make mistakes, learn from some and make some of them again. I watched him grow in the Lord and even make some changes he thought might make him even better. We have a the best of laughs and even clashed so much I thought the old Fefe was gonna break free and beat him down, except the fact he is bigger than me. But through all of that, through the many prayers, outcries, rants, disagreements, blessings and even anointing that God had me and a friend do over him, he is a man of God who desires to see every single young person say “I once was lost and now I’m found.” He loves God with his whole heart and loves people with the same fervor. He has had his bullying moments and speaking the Good News about Christ and he has had his moments of rejection but he keeps going.

What he didn't know was that last summer, that I and the same friend who anointed my brother in Christ with me, prayed for him and I spoke the words during prayer with her, “Myron is leaving.” Don’t know how I knew, didn't know what it was gonna look like, but I knew his time to step up was coming. Myron Pierce is now being led to plant a church in Colorado Springs, CO called Passion City and I await the fire that will come out of him being obedient with this seed in his and his wife’s life.

While listening to him yesterday, what God spoke to me is this verse in Isaiah isn't just for those who are pastors, mega church leaders or Bible scholars. It’s for us, those of us who are in Christ, seeking God’s face even while in the face of trials. This is what Myron desires. Not to be the biggest, baddest preacher here on Earth (although he acts like it sometimes =]), his desire is to be a fire starter. To run with the torch God has given him while in this race and start fires, ignite torches, use that fire to show the passion God has given each of us already. He is crazy, he has ADHD, and he struggles with inadequacies, but he is a black man with a mission and will not hesitate to jump out of a car to tell someone about Jesus! THAT is what we should be doing! THAT is what makes our feet beautiful on the rough, steep, rock filled mountains called life. Our words, our torches, our fire, our walks are never going to look the same. But what should be mimicked is the path of Christ. Our feet are all different sizes and so that will change how we walk. Some will have smaller steps, some are pigeon toed, and some will have crutches and wheel chairs. It doesn't matter how we walk the path of Christ as long as we stay on His and not try to change it to fit ourselves or someone else OR try to make our own. My message I am charged to give you today, as well as Myron is, stay the path. Stay on the path made for you by God, not by man or self. He can see the end because He is the Author and Finisher of our faith, after all. Be steadfast and unmovable. Don’t even flinch when something comes your way. You may not feel ready for it, but God is and He has well prepared you for this journey and EVERY trial that comes with it. STAY…. THE…. PATH!!!

Father God, thank you for the people like Myron who are contagious, who stumble yet get up, who fail yet keep going, who almost give up but then give it to You. They show me how much You really love me and how to really love them. As we deliver Your Good News to those in need, help us to walk a path that will lead them to You long after we are gone. Help us to remember that You, our God, reign! And Lord, bless Myron, Kristin and their two children in this new journey. I don’t ask that they will not be in need, but I ask that they will remember even in need, even in excess that they can do all things through Christ who gives them strength.  In Jesus name. Amen!

Would you who read this, put the Pierce’s on your prayer list and lift them up as they will be leaving in January? God bless you!