This weekend is a huge time for those of us who are football fans. Especially if one of our teams played hard and won to go to Super Bowl. We plan for this weekend for weeks and/ or months. Today, Saturday, is the day of preparation for food, decorations, counting people invited or finding a place to join in on the fun; and tomorrow is the day to lose our voices for our teams, laugh too hard, for some, drink too much, eat too much and win or lose bragging rights or even money.
But in a darker place... a place not across the ocean or in a distant land, but a place right here in the U.S., probably right in your state, in your town.... in your backyard, there are many who are silently crying out. They are being prepared and transported to the site of the Super Bowl this year. They are being threatened, starved, broken and some are even being abducted right now to fulfill the "orders" of predators that pay to have these victims as companions. What a parallel!
Earlier this week, God placed it on my heart to start an event on Facebook to cry out to the heavens for these who have no voice. I have no idea why, I have never been trafficked or abducted or sold into slavery. But this quiet fire has been burning since He placed it there this week. I spoke with His passion about apps that can lead to such travesties at my daughter's school on Wednesday.
I want to say let's go get them! Let's go jump the perverts who take advantage of them. But then I know they are not the root... The root is greed which extends to the owners of these sex trade circles, the people who "buy" these victims and even the city officials and the community who sit idly by knowing it "could be" happening yet not lifting a voice, an eye brow or a even a finger to help. Our silence is our ignorance. It's time to speak up. It's time to demand change. It's time to be the fountain of life which the Psalmist speaks of in 36:9. Change will only begin when we put it into action.
This passage is being directed to the Lord as the "fountain of life". But it doesn't stop there! We are to be LIKE Christ, and if Christ is LORD of our life, than we are to be Him for those who do not know Him. So that would mean that WE are to be the "fountain of life, the light by which we see." Yet we sit by and wait for Jesus to come back and do it. Dear ones, some of His last words here on earth while in flesh were "It... is.... finished." He completed His part in three years, let's complete ours now!
This is not a call to condemn and make you pull out your checkbook for an organization, this is to wake you up "O, sleeper" and call you to get to work in the harvest that is set before us! What's your part? I'm doing mine.
Here is the link to the prayer chain we are doing this weekend:
And here are some links to point you in the direction if you need help finding what you can do, if you are in and need help getting out or if you need healing from a past experience: