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Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Transparent Revelation

Transparent Revelation

For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison,” 2 Corinthians 4:17

So, I haven’t been able to post all week but I have been running around like a chicken with its head cut off!

First, I am so excited about what God is about to do! He is moving and I can feel it like one feels vibrations from an earthquake!

Let me say that I am human. I am not some super person who can leap over hurt in a single bound, or run faster than a speeding word. I am human. I get hurt, I get angry, and I get frustrated and even jealous sometimes. I get overwhelmed and discouraged sometimes too. I even get to the point where I could and sometimes do just give up. I cry my eyes out at times and scream at the top of my lungs at God.... well in my head. I doubt and ask God why me??? Why not them? Why can’t I get ahead? Let me repeat my first statement. I am human. I would love to say that in those times I reach for my Sword and get encouragement from God's Word every time the enemy lies to me and that I refute his lies with God's promises to me. But I don’t. There are even times when God will give me a Scripture to read and even though I read it and understand it, I treat it like the seed that is planted among thorns and it chokes and gets destroyed by life's hardships.

I like the lyrics of Casting Crown's song "Praise You in This Storm." It's gotten me through quite a few storms and even more once I turned my life over to God. The first verse is so clear. It says,

"I was sure by now
God You would have reached down
And wiped our tears away
Stepped in and saved the day
But once again, I say "Amen", and it's still raining

As the thunder rolls
I barely hear Your whisper through the rain
"I'm with you"
And as Your mercy falls
I raise my hands and praise the God who gives
And takes away." (Courtesy of AZlyrics.com)

That says volumes to me!

I started this blog note on the 26th of June. Apparently God wasn't done with me learning what revelation He wanted me to get from this summer. I was working until this summer, I was comfortable until this summer, and I was complacent until this summer. Now I am unemployed again, uncomfortable and feeling like a snow globe shaken so hard the fixtures may come apart and fly around the water like me! But I am yet praising Him (Psalm 71:14) I am seeing that the revelation He needs me to get (and you for that fact) is not to believe in Him because of what He can do for us and how He can save us but because of who He is and how He has ALREADY saved us! What a liberating statement! I am free to see that He has called me!

If this is just a reminder for you, rejoice and remember! If this is the first time you are hearing or reading about this freedom, rejoice in the knowledge of God who is able! I was reminded again tonight when I had to uncomfortably sleep in my hot house because the little window a/c I have decided it was too hot to work. The remembrance revelation I got was sometimes we have to be in the fire and yet rejoice in Him. Things won’t always go as we plan; things won’t always go our way! But oh to trust in the Lord! He will make you soar on wings like eagles and renew your strength! I love that verse! Even reading it gives me strength no man could ever give! As I finish this short blog entry, know that it is still hot. I am still uncomfortable and now add tired, but I am full of joy! I have found peace and joy in the fire, a reason to "praise Him in this storm!"

Father God, I thank You for the refiner’s fire You bring our way! I thank You for the reminders You send our way and the chance to praise You in the midst of the storms of life. I thank You that these life storms are not comfortable because I am not of this world. I thank You that I have peace beyond all understanding and that I am able to freely share my short and temporary trials followed by Your goodness! Help me Lord to remember to praise You each time I want to whine, complain or even ask why me. In Jesus name Amen!

Instead of asking "why me?” ask "why not."

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