When you go
through deep waters,
I will be
with you.
When you go
through rivers of difficulty,
you will not
When you
walk through the fire of oppression,
You will not
be burned up;
the flames
will not consume you. Isaiah 43:2
This week we are on our knees interceding for the East Coast
again for the second hurricane, Sandy. There are those fasting and praying for
people they don’t even know because of the lost state the nation is in and how
we have begun to think foolishly. People are staying in their homes when they
should be evacuating, they are not taking proper precautions when they should
be prepared. But when the storm is over, they are throwing up their fists at
God because of the destruction and/ or seeking answers to the question, “If God
really loves us, why does He keep punishing us?” or “Why does God allow bad
things to happen?” and finally coming to the conclusion because of lost loved
ones or materials, “There must not be a god. He wouldn’t allow any of this to
happen. He would save us if he existed.” So I want to take a moment or two to
be transparent about things going on now and how that last statement is NEVER
About a week and a half ago, there was about 7-9 murders in
our city of Omaha. All were somehow gang-related or innocent people in the way
of mindless shooters. Two of those affected me personally because I knew one,
he was a classmate of my youngest child and I visited him in DCYC, and the
other though I had never met him personally, I know the mother of one of his
children and one of his daughters very well. I felt hurt and anger on the same
day because I had heard about both on the same day. I can remember driving to
my daughter’s football game where she is a cheerleader with many different
thoughts, about as many as the tears that flowed for these lost souls who will
never be seen again on earth. Asking God why, feeling bad for being thankful
that my children are alive, getting angry with those who killed them, being
angry that God allowed it even. And then peace came over me. Psalm 91:7 came to
mind and how these senseless violent acts will happen. This verse in Isaiah
says it perfectly. Did you notice it or did you just scroll over the one word
that makes this verse so powerful like I did so many times? Read it again, I’ll
wait…. See it this time? There are 3 sentences in this one verse. All three
sentences have different things that are described as happening, assuredly, guaranteed.
How do I know? Because all three sentences begin with the word “when”, not “if”.
See the difference? This is assured to happen just like when you breathe in you
are assured to have oxygen enter your body. Guaranteed just like if you slap a
wild tiger in the face when they are asleep, they are guaranteed to wake up and
tear into you if you are silly enough to stand there and wait.
With these and plenty other local deaths, along with the
death of Michael Jackson a few years ago, Whitney Houston earlier this year and
other well known famous people I grew up with, I am becoming well aware that
death is real. Not that I wasn’t before. I had to face it when I was a teenager
and my grandmother, my favorite person, died of ovarian cancer. My heart
shattered more than I, my parents, or anyone else knew. It was my first close
experience with death because at that very moment when I saw her in her casket,
I knew she wasn’t ever coming back. I couldn’t even go to the burial, well get
out of the limo. It did more to me than I actually knew. I know now looking at
pictures of that day I don’t even remember being in.
That’s life.
Growth, hurts, sickness, disease, brokenness, sadness, death are all part of
this cycle we call life. What separates some of us from the rest is a four
letter word. H-O-P-E. Those who are IN Christ, not that post on Facebook about
Him or go to church to sit through a teaching about his life or casually say we
love God, we have hope. We know that this world will at some point end and with
it our hurts, trials and heartaches. But even we forget from time to time. It’s
like a big wave coming at you on a beach and you stand tall to feel the force
of it, but when it comes, it still knocks you down and you may still inhale a
little water from it. We all have trials, tests, and things we don’t want to go
through but to be able to go through stuff knowing God has promised to never
leave or forsake us makes it so much easier! It’s like doing a Beth Moore Bible
study with Beth Moore. No one can teach her courses like she can. No one can
get you through the rough patches like God can or nothing for that matter! The
question is will you go through your hardships of life that WILL happen with or
without the Author or Finisher of your life? I mean, would you travel without a
map or GPS? Would you take a class online without ever speaking to the
instructor? Would you fix or build something you never had before without the manual?
If you have done any of the above before, how did it turn out for you? John
16:33 assures us that “in this life we will have tribulation.” But the second
part is a promise that we need to cling to. “But take heart (have courage); I
have overcome the world (I already won the war!). How many wars have you heard
a president say that for? And wouldn’t you go through it more confidently if
they were able to make that promise? God had a Son named Jesus that He sent
here to earth to do just that. Through His death on the Cross, despite the sins
already committed, we are committing right now and what has yet to be
committed, He died a horrible death to save us. His blood was shed so that we
can live life to the fullest, through Him, even with the many disappointments,
heartaches, trials and tribulations He PROMISED we would have. Take full
advantage of it dear ones, don’t let His death be in vain as many dying
nowadays have been, are and will be.
Let’s pray. Dear God, thank You for sending Your only Son to
die the death we deserve for us! There are so many who ask the question, “what
kind of father would let his son die for those he doesn’t know?” Thank You for
being that kind of Father that loves us enough and thinks of us enough to give
such a sacrifice we could never even repay. Today I say again that I will live
my life indebted to You Jesus for Your sacrifice on the Cross. You could have
come down but You stayed. When I think of the many sins I have committed, am committing
still and will commit I know without You I am not worthy and would not make it
through these times. I pray that after reading this, others will come to that
same conclusion and surrender what they thought they could control, their
lives, over to you. Be with those who have lost, who feel no hope and Lord,
those who have turned away. Be also a Refuge for those in the midst of this
storm, any storm whether physical or spiritual. In Jesus name. Amen!