
Thanks for visiting my blog! I pray that you get something out of my being transparent and that God will continue to use me even to speak to one!! Feel free to click follow or follow by email! Be blessed... and transparent!

Monday, January 6, 2014

Seeing is not believing

Jesus said to her, "Did I not say to you that if you would believe you would see the glory of God?" John 11:40

Then He said to Thomas, "Reach your finger here, and look at My hands; and reach your hand here, and put it into My side. Do not be unbelieving, but believing." John 20:27

***Greetings to all reading from the Commenthon! Welcome to my transparent world! Feel free to read others and if so moved subscribe to hear more transparent thoughts! My writings are not every day or even every week but they are from the heart and as He leads so I pray they will help someone else as well!***

****We have not only remained in the house but our rent is paid and cut almost in half!! Praising the Father before the storm was over was key!! I would have never made in my small boat of faith without Him!!*****

This old antage of "seeing is believing" is quite the mistake! I have "seen" a lot of things unfold and yet still take a turn and something totally different come out of it. Take for example the caterpillar. It starts out grubby, some smaller than others, some hairier or fuzzier. But nevertheless, you never imagine that a caterpillar can fit into the tiny cocoons they do, not to ignore if you figure that the beautifully and enormously winged butterflies would come out of that very same cocoon! But they do! And what about ants? Somebody please tell me you imagined they could pick up a carcass by themselves triple their size and even when you saw it you were not amazed! Of course you can't say that! Because you were! Seeing is not believing!

Today has been a rough day for me. I tossed and fought back doubt with everything I had and yet the prayers that were lifted for my family and by my family still seemed to fall on deaf ears. It seems that our prayers are for naught. But are they? I realized I'm still focusing on seeing the miracle more than believing in GOD for it!

The first Scripture struck me hard. To be Martha at that very moment.... How bloodshot and flushed her face must have been! Jesus had just told her that she would see God's glory yet when He went about performing the miracle, she doubted. Notably so, as her brother's body would have smelled but she missed what was said to her in her grief.

"But when Jesus heard it he said, 'This illness does not lead to death. It is for the glory of God, so that the Son of God may be glorified through it.'" John 11:4. Did you catch it? I didn't until a few moments ago. I've read it before and because the real focus in this chapter is the raising of Lazurus, I've never caught this morsel before! It does remind me of the peace the Disciples were given right before they were caught in an angry storming sea. Remember that? Of course, everyone does. But who remembers what Jesus said before the storm? 
"Let us go across to the other side." (v 35). Again, did you catch that?? He was letting them know whatever they were about to go through, they would get through it TO THE OTHER SIDE!!! That just sent chills down my spine typing it!! 
I don't know what you are going through, where your faith is or how it's gonna turn out for you, but I can tell you about me. I can tell you that my faith is at an all time low right now. I needed $744 today for rent to stop a previous eviction and it didn't come, at least not to my knowledge. I got a call from my landlord's office saying I could come in first thing in the morning to pay. That's grace and I'm thankful for it. I don't know what that means or how the money will come but He has already told me through Jeremiah 42:10-16 that I would remain. It's shaky right now, I'm angry and really don't wanna hear to many more "I'm praying for you's" but I'm so thankful for those He has sent my way! I am going to the other side and I only have to hold on until we get there, stormy waters or not. And the same is said of you. Hold on to His Word. If He could sleep peacefully with all that was going on then, then so can I. And if our GOD, Who said He will supply our EVERY need, told us to go to the other side, then we will make it there.

GOD, you know our restless hearts. You know our situations. You know that doubt and unbelief are pining for our attention. Thank You for being our Rock, thank You for being that example we need when the waters turn against us. LORD, tonight as we sleep as peaceful as You did under the ship, instead of calming the sea, would you do a miracle for us. Many of us need healing or financial blessings or just... peace. Thank You for being that Provider that never fails. In Jesus name. Amen!

Tonight, meditate on  and pray Psalm 5 for our situations. You pray for mine and I will pray for yours. You can leave me a message and know that I will lift you up. Oh, and the second verse? That was simply the way GOD chose to tell me, and you, to stop doubting. Blessings, and good rest tonight. 


  1. Dtr, as I told you earlier I have had a peace all day. This is for you as well as for me; I vented, and vented more, then I realized that, my favorite verse, GOD is not a man that HE should lie. Numbers 23:19. HE has promised to never leave us nor forsake us. What comes to mind right now, writing this note is; this is happening so that others will see GODS grace, and that some doubting Thomas (like me) would stand still and see HIS works. I love you dtr, and as I said earlier, you are the most faith filled person that I know, even in my 'young' age, I've learned a lot from you. I'm resting tonight knowing that GOD, my GOD neither 'slumbers nor sleeps' Psalm 121:4. I love you and I am blessed to be your mom!

  2. Thanks for the great reminder of how much we need Jesus! This was good to read!

    1. Wow! Thanks so much Valerie! I appreciate that! I am always in need of the reminder that JESUS is a necessity even more than air, food and water!! Blessings! And feel free to browse, read and subscribe! My blogs are not as many as daily but when GOD speaks, I write!

  3. I hope everything works out in the end. Thanks so much for sharing your lovely words.

    1. Thank you for the well wishes!! Everything is working out and will! It's also building my faith even more!

  4. I agree things are not always what they appear to be.

    1. No they most definitely are not! I think that has been known for some time, I just had a hard time grasping it! But it's not what appears that we must trust, it's Him! Blessings!

  5. Evictions are really hard I hope that you can managed to find a way to get the money together. Here in Vancouver B.C. things are really tough and I recently faced a similar situation. Pulled up my boot straps and managed to find a way though :D

  6. Yes ma'am they are hard! I remember as a teen going trough one and it was no fun. I have tighten my armor and boot straps and and walking through this victoriously!! Thanks! I'm glad everything worked out for you as well!!

  7. Great post and I really haven´t read this kind of posts before. I hope everything will work out well for you and your family!

    1. Thank you!! And it is and will continue to despite what I see!

  8. I completely agree that seeing is not believing. Believe God first and then he will show you who he is and what he can do for you. What he wants to do for you.

  9. Yes!! That's the correct formula! Took me a while to get here but better late than never, I think!

  10. After reading your post, I'm reminded of 2 Cor. 4:18, "Since we consider and look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen; for the things that are visible are temporal (brief and fleeting), but the things that are invisible are deathless and everlasting."

    I just took a moment to pray for you! And I'm glad I stopped by from the commentathon. I'm so glad that God never leaves us or forsakes us and I pray that everything works out for you!

  11. Oh thank you! Prayers are always welcomed! And I too am so glad He never leaves not forsakes us!! Though we may not always feel Him, we have His promise that He is always with us!

  12. amen amen amen - absolutely on the money!

    1. Yes ma'am He is!! Thanks for the confirmation!!

  13. Good luck! Prayer is a powerful force. I know that prayer has helped bring me peace, comfort, and guidance in the past and present. I hope that it continues to do that for you through your trials!

    1. Thank you!! Yes prayer has been a powerful force in my life and even though I sometimes wonder am I alone, I'm not! He proves it wrong every time!!

  14. Great post. A timely reminder of the work of God.

  15. Thank you!! Reminders are a much needed factor in life! Especially from Him!

  16. It can be hard to remember that things are not what they appear to be and that we must just trust our journey.

    1. It most certainly can be! It's those moments under the water that we have to remember that He is our breath and even if we drown, He is our breath and can revive us whenever needed! I had to get to the point that I didn't care if I lost it all as long as He remained! And I did get to that point so now I can be still when under the water and can also get out of the boat when needed.

  17. Thank you doe such a real and powerful reminder of the power of faith. God reminded me once that while the Israelites were crying out in Egypt to be freed from their bondage, God was raising up their deliverance on the back side of the desert. They couldn't see what God was doing. They had no idea that He was working on their behalf. But He was.

  18. Yes yes!! That's it right there!! Amen!! Once we take our eyes off of our situations and place them back on the One who already knows and has handled our situation we begin to see movement! And even if movement is not quick in coming, we at least have peace during the wait!! Thanks for that reminder!!

  19. I so hope that you are able to make rent. And you are right - it's not about seeing; it's about heart.

    1. Yes ma'am we did!! Because I know His promise that we will remain in the house, I am relying on Him and not what I see!! Thank you for the concern! I'm only praying this reaches someone else that needs to know the same thing! I would go through it again (I say that carefully) just for someone to know He cares for us!

  20. Beautiful post...my husband preached this very thing on Sunday! It is hard when we can't see what is "behind the curtain"...but we trust that HE knows what is best and if we can learn to put it in His hands we can rest in peace. Praying for you tonight friend. ♥

  21. Thanks for your prayers!! I think for me the hard part is not knowing and yet trusting. I am a must know type of daughter of His, and I'm so thankful for His grace in that aspect. I know He's working on my need to know process though! It's rough but He has my best in mind and His glory so I will trust in that!

  22. Beautiful post - these days my prayers for healing for my mom's venous wound (she is a diabetic) and peace for my dad as he deals with his new situation at a nursing home after a clot was found in his heart which is working at less than 20%, also seem to be falling on deaf ears...thank you for the reminder to read psalm 5. Glad to have stumbled by

    1. Shashi, I appreciate your words. I want you to know that I am praying for your parents. I also want to remind you that He is sovereign in all His decisions and that He knows what He is doing. I know that you know that but we all need to see, hear or read that from time to time.

      Father, ABBA, thank you that you know our beginnings and our ends. You are a most sovereign GOD, and I thank you for being on your throne at all times. Shashi is in need of your peace and to feel your presence as her parents need your healing touch. Whether that healing is here on earth or at Hom with You, we don't know but I ask You to give to them as generously and quickly as You did Your children in Israel. Breathe on this family and bring about the faith that You desire in us all. In Jesus name. Amen!

      Please feel free to keep me updated as I will continue to pray for you guys! Blessings!!

  23. I hope everything works out for you and your family.

    1. Thanks!! It has worked out!! God is so incredible!!

  24. The gospel of Jesus Christ means everything to me. I'm a huge believer in miracles. Thanks for the beautiful reminder.

    1. I am too!! I love that they are most of time not what we would view as miracles and that's how GOD teaches us!! Thanks for stopping by!!

  25. I am so sorry you are going through such a difficult time but I'm glad you're holding on to God that's all we can do in certain situations! I am sure He will come through for you as I know he had for us so many times before.

    1. Oh Paulina, never be sorry, not even when it's you! For it is for our strengthening of our faith and Romans 8:28 explains that ALL works for our good and His glory!! I liken it much to a bypass surgery (funny that I am writing a book called Heart Transplant). The surgery and recovery are very painful but it's for the greater good of our heart to have this done! My ship has been filled with storms but what it is teaching me is when to suck under my Shelter and when to dance in the rain! I pray He teaches you the same! Blessings and thanks for stopping by!

  26. Even when I'm at my all-time lows, I always end up on the other side a better person who has deeper faith. Thank you for reminding us that He will be with us on the other side.

    1. Oh man April, I am with you there! Not only is He on the other side but He is with us in the valley! That's the best knowledge! Much like a parent being there when a child wakes up from an illness or surgery in the hospital, knowing even when we can't see Him that He is there is key!! Blessings!!

  27. My prayer is that your testimony remain in faith and God allows you the grace to see this through and report back to us how He meets your need. You are brave and God knows exactly where your heart is, so hold fast, don't let anyone pass judgment on your motives. He will be glorified.

    1. Kathleen thank you for your awesome words and reminder!! The one thing I have struggled with through this is people passing judgment, not knowing my story. But He has said and you have reminded me that only I can allow them to pass judgment. Even then, He is my only Sovereign!! Blessings!!

  28. Thank you for your thought provoking post. :) I usually try to remind myself in situations where I am having a hard time that this too shall pass. :) I hope all goes well Have a great day!

    1. Yes it will pass!! Thank you for your words!! I pray that He reminds you of that every time!! Thanks for stopping by!! Blessings!!

  29. I can see that God is strengthening you through this trial and your faith is a beautiful thing to see as it is not easy to trust when times are hard. I pray that you received the funds you needed or a different alternative.

    1. Tammy, it is truly growing!! My faith may be from situation to situation and a small as a mustard seed from time to time but Jesus told us that we could move mountains if we had even that small of faith!! He is indeed my strength and I am so thankful for it!! It has, is and will continue to work out for all His seed for He will not allow us "begging bread" and we are "not forsaken"!! Blessings!!

  30. Thank you for this heart felt post. Isn't it wonderful to know that we have His love and support as we go through our trials here. There will always be trials, and they are designed for our growth. We are always stronger when we reach the other side. Thank you for sharing.

  31. Kendra, I pray that that seed is planted in good soil and is well guarded so that no care from this world or personal life can destroy it! May it spring up only good fruits in your life and the loves of those around you!! In Jesus name! Amen! Thank you for the well wishes! He has, is and will continue to work out His plan for us and in us! Blessings!

  32. Regina, Amen!!! I f&bs that I am constantly reminding myself and others that we are not exempt of trials! My youngest daughters favorite verse is John 16:33 in which Jesus lets us know we WILL have trials! But I'm so glad it doesn't end with that knowledge!! He lets us know that we can take heart (be courageous) because He has ALREADY overcome the world! What an encouragement to keep pushing!! Blessings!!

  33. Beautiful post, and I'm so glad you added in the update to let us know that everything worked out all right!

    1. Thanks Audrey!! I'm glad people kept asking! I never even thought about it but quite frankly got tired of typing the same thing!! Lol! That was my fault but glad I learned a valuable lesson!! Thanks for stopping by!

  34. God is good all the time. Hope everything works out for you. Without God in your life nothing is possible.

    1. Yes He most certainly is! And it has and will continue to work out for us as He has already finished His work! Thanks for stopping by!

  35. When it comes to faith, you are absolutely right that seeing is not believing. In that case, we have to believe before we see and even sometimes when it doesn't manifest as we expect.

    Thanks for that reminder.

    Praise God for the blessings in your rent situation.

    1. Yes ma'am! You are so right!! EVEN when it's not as we thought it would be! Blessings!

  36. I found this one statement very interesting: "I'm angry and really don't wanna hear to many more 'I'm praying for you's'". That is one of my biggest frustrations with the way the Christian faith is set up and how many (obviously not all) of its practitioners act. It's so much easier for people to say that one phrase than to lift a hand and actually offer real, tangible help. It seems that phrase is often said so people can feel better about themselves ("at least I'm offering *some* form of help"). I think people usually have good intentions and are trying to make the recipient feel better as well, but let's be honest...which would you rather hear, "I'm praying for you, that the money will come", or "here's $100. I know it's not all you need, but it's the best I can do." After all, actions speak volumes louder than words.

    1. Oh goodness! I so very much agree with almost everything you said!! But I want to make sure you don't misunderstand my frustration. The Christian faith is NOT set up that way, the way Christ set it up that we should follow is clear, we are to love our neighbor and one another, we are to take care of each other. Unfortunately, we as humans have distorted and twisted His ministry left to us to suit our needs. I 100% agree that there should be more people saying "how can I help," even if they don't hand out money but buy groceries or pay bills, etc. but it's easy for us to get back to if we desire the things of GOD! My situation was helped, not by man but by GOD and He did it in such a way that NO man could take the credit which is exactly how He loves to work! I love that!! And I love your words!! Thank you for them! I thought I was the only one! But don't give up hope because where man is unwilling, GOD is more than willing!! Blessings!

  37. This post is filled with so much wisdom! Thank you for the reminder to be at peace and that we will get to the other side.

    I am happy to read your update!

    1. Thank you for your words and I apologize for the delay in my response! Life has been dealing blows but GOD just keeps on defending my family!! We indeed will get to the other side!! Blessings!

  38. Thank you for sharing your story! I hope that everything works out in the end. Best of luck and stay strong! You'll get through it.

    1. Thank you! I know the secret to the end of my story and that's what keeps me going!! Because of Him, I win!! Thanks for stopping by!!

  39. Very nice post about how Good God can really be. There are sooo many times where he has worked in my life and am just amazed and reminded how good he really is.

  40. Thank you and I agree Kyle! The only way to describe Him is simply amazing!! Blessings!
