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Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Indeed I'm free!

"If the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed." John 8:36

These past two weeks have been a drought for me in energy, motivation, drive, writing and even financially. After I write this one, I will be finally starting the miniseries I was supposed to. 

As I drove from dropping my oldest two off to work (we have a vehicle situation.... we have none), I began to be drawn to the road signs telling exits and which was taking me where. I came to what seemed a crossroads in my short "to home" journey but it seemed to be much bigger, much heavier than that. I saw in front of me two signs. One said "to downtown" and the other said "to Lincoln" which I had just been the night before. As I drove towards the one that led me downtown, I seemed to have been released into a new freedom, one like never before. One that seemed to release me and allow me to go anywhere. I can't explain it other than to say I am free. There was an instant lifting off of my chest that I had not known or had forgotten was there before. By merely merging left, I seemed to have crossed into a spiritual gate that had been opened for me and I now was free.

God predestined plans for us are coming into fruition. I find myself changing up my language from "God is doing something" or "God is up to something" or "God is shifting something" to saying what He has ordained, what He has planned, and the path He has prepared for us we are now coming to. I believe that is what is happening all throughout the world with His people. We are realizing and/ or already have realized that we are free, indeed. This is coming through training that is necessary. Let me explain what I mean.

I spoke with my sister yesterday who explained to me all that she is going through. I heard from a friend last week the struggles that she is enduring. I am reading about all those who are Facebook friends the struggles they have to contend with. And then there is me.... Evicted, broke, no car, no job or prospect right now, bills piling up, I'm not even able to do school right now because I didn't heed a warning to drop the two classes I was to take last summer. It would take a miracle to get my family on our feet. Yet, we are free. Doesn't that sound crazy?! At this point, I am free from worry. I mean I could, but why? What does that do, how does that help my situation? Through all of this training, I have been able to let some things go and take up some crucial learning that I needed. This is a season of basic training for some and officer training for others. I believe the passage says "to whom much is given, much is required".....

When I looked for this passage which seemed to come just as I was crossing the very sign, the epitome of this freedom, I saw every version had virtually the same thing except NLT. It reads "you are free indeed" while the others say "shall be" or "will be". When I researched, I saw that there was no variable difference, just the wording. Then I turned to the words "free" and there is where the difference stood. The text for "makes you free" in the original means to set at liberty, to make free and "free" in the sense of us being "free indeed" means basically that we are no longer a slave. So literally what I heard is when Jesus gives us freedom, NO ONE can take it!!! We are indeed free!!!

Do not let the trappings of this world make you a prisoner again. If God has planned for something to be taken in your life, give it freely knowing He has something better in mind.... even if that something is the knowledge that He is all you need!! And do not let the enemy lie to you and tell you that you are the only one going through something right now.... 1 Peter 5:9 tells us to resist him (the devil), stand firm in our faith with the knowledge that our family in Christ all over the world are going through similar struggles (my version). Don't believe me? Pick up a newspaper, drive down the street and look at the homeless, miserable, and broken, go to a hospital and view the sick, go into a bank and watch who goes in confidant and comes out defeated.... Go through your training knowing that you are free indeed!!!

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