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Monday, August 4, 2014

Transparent Death of Self

So you also must consider yourselves dead to sin and alive to God in Christ Jesus. Romans 6:11

A church podcast that I frequently listento and gather information from, Elevation Church, has a series called Death To Selfie. A powerful look at the only twins I know of who are completely opposite and are rivals, each one having the love of a parent, not both. Esau and Jacob come out of the womb competing and at the end of this second sermon, Pastor Steve Furtick is in the kitchen with them as Esau freely gives his inheritance away for a simple and temporary bowl of "red stew". The climax of his lesson takes such a sharp turn that if your seatbelt is not on, you will fall off your seat! He goes from the twin brothers who, although they reconcile in the end, Esau can never get his inheritance back from Jacob (one fact that I picked up is this is about grace and being blessed regardless of your carnal greed for instant gratification) to the eternal reconciliatin that Christ Jesus gave us at the Cross!! Amazing!!

The reason I started with that is to show the difference of being alive to sin and dead to sin. Esau, being well aware of his hunger after a possibly long and ardous hunt, could not think further than where he was at at the moment... hungry (Gen 25:30). He was alive to right now and dead to eternity. How harsh a realization that is for me when I think of the many times, as a Christ follower, I have chosen to be alive to my sins because they felt better or looked better or sounded better or tasted better. Words I cannot take back, actions I cannot remove, feelings that poison my heart and thinking are freely chosen instead of allowing God to deal with things.

What are you dead to, sin or God....

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